How to add Snow Effect in Photoshop  

Posted by santosh

This tutorial is about how to add Snow Effect in Photoshop. Here you can add Snow to any picture and it just takes few minutes to do.

Step One
Open the picture and create a duplicate of it.

Step Two
Go to > Filter > Pixalete > Pointalize

Step Three
In Pointalize box change Cell Size value to 6

Step Four
After that you will get a picture like this

Step Five
Go to > Image > Adjustment > Threshold

Step Six
In Threshold box change the value to 255

Step Seven
After that go to Layers and choose screen as the blending options

Step Eight
Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur

Step Nine
In motion blur box type -48 for Angle and 11 for Distance

Step Ten
Now you will get a picture covered with snow.


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