How to Install, Configure, and Use Avast Antivirus  

Posted by santosh

An essential piece of software for every computer is an Anti-Virus. An Anti-Virus protects your computer from many common viruses and trojans which can be deadly for you system. Avast Anti-Virus Free Edition is very good and effective FREE Anti-Virus.

Please visit this link:

and download the version that matches your language.
Once you have downloaded it locate the file that you just downloaded. The icon should appear like the image below:

Now double-click on the file to launch the installation of Avast!
Next you'll see this screen:

Click next.
You will get another window with the ReadMe File, just click Next, again.
Now you get the beloved Legal Agreement, just click I agree, and then click Next to continue. You will now see an image similar to the one below:

I would recomend using the "Typical" installation. Make sure Typical is selected then click Next.

Now if you selected "Minimal" you won't see "skins" here. After reviewing this for a second and confirming that what you have on your screen is similar to mine, click the Next button. (Note: the "Free Space" will vary from computer to computer. Since I have about 170 Gigabytes free that is why my Free Space is so large.)

After pressing Next, you will get the above message. Basically if you select Yes it will do a quick scan of your hard drive upon boot-up. This scan will start before you log-in into Windows. I recomend you select No, because even though this scan will only happen once, this scan can take quiet a while. It took almost an hour for my hard drive.

If you have Microsoft Anti-Spyware, or other similar program installed you may be prompted with a similar message. Click the Allow button to allow this change to take affect.

Now you have to restart your machine. I highly advise you to select Restart and then click Finish.
After you restart you will get a message about Avast! it will give you the general "Hello and Thank you for choicing our Product." Also after you restart you will notice 2 new icons in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The icon with the I is for the "Virus Recovery Database" (VRDB). What this does is virutally makes copies of the program you have installed and if one of them gets infected with a virus this will replace the files infected so the program function like before. The A is the On-Access Protection.
Very Important - after restarting, right click on the A in the taskbar and select Updating, the highlight Program.

You will get this popup after its done updating. If Avast! had to download anything for your computer you may get a message asking you to restart.

Now right click on the A in taskbar and click Start Avast! AntiVirus.

Click Program Registration and you will be taken to their website. Fill out the form and then check you e-mail. Once you get an e-mail from them (usualy about 1 minute after submitting the form) copy and paste the serial they provided into the highlighted box. Then click ok.

Now you will see this screen. Click the little hard drive like icon in the top right corner, below the X.
Click each icon on the right once until the options in the center read:
  • Scan local drives: ON
  • Scan removeable media: ON
  • Scan selected folders: ON
Also adjust the slider at the top from Standard Scan to Thorough Scan, and make sure to check "Scan Archive Files."
Now click on the A on the middle left side and adjust the Resident Protection from Standard to High.
Ok now to set-up and configure the On-Access Protection.
  • Right click on the A on the taskbar
  • Click On-Access Protection Control

I recomend changing the default slide from Normal to High, depending on how fast your system is.

What makes Avast! unique is that it scans many parts of the system. It scans Instant Messenging, Internet Mail, Network Shield, Outlook/Exchange, P2P Shield, Standard Shield and Web Shield. So regardless of what you do on the computer you will be protected no matter what.
Scheduling a Scan

  • Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks

  • Click (or double-click) on Add Scheduled Task

  • In the wizard that appears click Next - a list of programs will appear
  • Click Browse and navigate to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (or whatever folder in which you installed avast!)
  • Click (or double-click) on the file ashQuick.exe
  • On the next screen give the task a name of your choice and choose how often you want it to run and click on Next
  • On the next screen choose the appropriate scheduling options and click on Next

  • On the next screen enter the user name and password for the Windows user you want the task to run as, then click on Next

  • On the next screen check the box for the option "Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish" , and then click Finish

  • On the next screen, in the "Run" field you will see the path for the ashQuick.exe program. After the closing quote enter a space and type in the path(s) that
    you want scanned. Multiple paths must be separated by a space and any paths that include a space in the path name must be in quotes. Here are a couple of examples:

    "C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe" C: E: - this will scan the entire contents of the C: and E: drives

    " C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe" "Crogram Files" Eownloads
    - this will scan the contents of the Program Files folder on the C: drive and the Downloads folder on the E: drive, including all subfolders (Note the first path is in quotes due to the space in the folder name "Program Files")
  • Click OK

  • In the Scheduled Tasks window, from the menu, click on Advanced and choose "Start Using Task Scheduler"

  • To test your newly created task, from the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click on the task's icon and choose "Run" from the popup menu. If the scan doesn't begin correctly you'll get an error message. The problem is most likely in the scan path (missing quotes or something like that.)
  • Close the Scheduled Tasks window
Keep in mind that this is just a "quick scan" and I'm not sure with what sort of depth that ashQuick.exe scans, but it beats nothing at all.

I don't know if there is any way to pass other parameters to the ashQuick.exe program for various options like scanning depth, what to do if a virus is encountered, etc. If anyone has any info on how to pass other parameters please feel free to add the information to this thread.

Lastly, I wouldn't suggest using the screen saver scanner in conjunction with this scheduled scan, as they may end up running at the same time and cause conflicts.

Put your name on the tookbar(secret folder)  

Posted by santosh

Right click the Taskbar > Toolbars > New Toolbar > Make a new Folder and name it with your name i.e. iXXi and then select it. Now you have your name in the Taskbar. If you want you can hide that folder by going to properties and check hidden now you have a secret folder.

How to add Snow Effect in Photoshop  

Posted by santosh

This tutorial is about how to add Snow Effect in Photoshop. Here you can add Snow to any picture and it just takes few minutes to do.

Step One
Open the picture and create a duplicate of it.

Step Two
Go to > Filter > Pixalete > Pointalize

Step Three
In Pointalize box change Cell Size value to 6

Step Four
After that you will get a picture like this

Step Five
Go to > Image > Adjustment > Threshold

Step Six
In Threshold box change the value to 255

Step Seven
After that go to Layers and choose screen as the blending options

Step Eight
Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur

Step Nine
In motion blur box type -48 for Angle and 11 for Distance

Step Ten
Now you will get a picture covered with snow.

Download Youtube Videos by Simply using the "OK" Word  

Posted by santosh

Hi all....

Download videos from youtube by typing "OK"

yeah,it's not a joke...

type "OK" between WWW. and youtube...

eg ..
Then You type:
then Press enter...

you will be guided to download...

CCleaner vs. Other Disk Cleaners  

Posted by santosh

Here are some reasons why CCleaner is the best choice...


CCleaner is 100% Free! No Spyware, No Adware, No Viruses. Certified by Softpedia

Check out the prices of other Disk Cleaners. Prices range from $4.99-$49.99.

CCleaner cleans much more

Most Disk Cleaners (Shareware) will just scan your C: drive for certain file extensions (common file types, temp., logs, memory dumps, and backup files).

CCleaner cleans them plus applications, 150+ applications...

CCleaner is careful about not removing important files. It cleans useless junk, not files that could "possibly" effect Windows or other applications.

CCleaner's cleaning speed is just remarkable compared to other Disk Cleaners.

The ability to add new/more programs to CCleaner with no programming knowledge, just basic Windows knowledge will do.


CCleaner is barely over 1 MegaByte... Most range from 1.5MB-4MB


Doesn't have any ads, splash screen, or fancy graphics that aren't nesscary for the program.


CCleaner was designed from the ground to be safe and secure to use. It has multiple levels of checks in place to ensure that it cannot delete any useful information or documents you may still need. We also certify that it contains no Spyware or Adware.


CCleaner can run from a USB thumbdrive and be installed/run on a computer without a complicated setup process.

High Security

For the super cautious users we also offer secure file erasing. By overwriting the files before deleting them, making it impossible to recover the data.

Multiple Languages

Thanks to the translators, CCleaner is available in 35 different languages.


CCleaner even has a built-in Registry Cleaner. It's not the best (not CCleaner's main function), but it will find invaild registry entries that most Registry Cleaners will not. Unlike the Disk Cleaners with a Registry Cleaner, CCleaner does really fast scanning for Registry Issues. The reason is CCleaner doesn't want to effect Windows performance or effect any applications. It's better to be safe than sorry!


CCleaner is updated regularly with new features, fixes, new applications, and so on.

With winapp2.ini, you can update CCleaner with new applications almost daily!


Support is outstanding for CCleaner. There are a bunch of very smart and talented people in the Forums, if they can't fix your CCleaner (or anything else for that matter) problems, the developer of the program will try to help you out.

Nintendo Wii SoftMod Method 4.2 and Lower! (the 1 that werked for 4 me!)  

Posted by santosh

SoftMod 4.2 and Lower!
Play BackUps (Disc + USB)
Neogamma 7 and
Configurable USB Loader v50c

Use this software at your own risk. IPTorrent, the uploader and the developers take no responsibility if you damage your Wii.

This Will work on all Wii firmware versions 4.2.

This is for those who have not soft-modded their Wii's or for those that updated through Nintendo from a previous firmware.

This has not been tried on Korean Wii's, use at own risk.

There are some new Wii DVD drives that will not read copied DVD's at all, you can't tell by a serial number either, you can however install and use a USB

HDD instead of burning games.

The Tools You Need!:


Insert SD card into Card Reader on your PC.

Backup your SD Card if you want to keep the data on it.

Format your SD card in FAT format.

Copy all files in Part1 straight to your SD Card.

Insert the SD Card into the Wii.

Click on Wii Settings in the bottom left.

Select Data Management.

Select Channels and click SD up the top.

You should be presented with a "Load boot.dol/.elf" message, click OK.

In the HackMii installer go ahead and install Bootmii (To both IOS and Boot2 if possible).

Install the Homebrew Channel.

Then install DVDx.

Exit the HackMii installer.

Part 2: (This is only for 4.2, If you have an earlier version skip this Part)

Insert SD card into Card Reader on your PC.

Copy all files in Part2 straight to your SD Card overwriting all files that already exist.

Insert the SD Card into the Wii.

Start the Homebrew Channel

Press the "HOME" button on the Wii controller and choose BootMii.

After a few seconds you will be loaded into the Wad Manager.

You will be prompted to select which IOS to use, just leave this and press "A"

Select SD Card.

You will see 4 .wad files, select each one (one at a time) and Uninstall them

After all 4 have been Uninstalled, exit Wad Manager an restart the Wii.


Insert SD card into Card Reader on your PC.

Copy all files in Part3 straight to your SD Card overwriting all files that already exist.

Insert the SD Card into the Wii.

Start the Homebrew Channel

Press the "HOME" button on the Wii controller and choose BootMii.

After a few seconds you will be loaded into the CIOSrev14 Installer.

When prompted which IOS to use, scroll to the left and select "Do not reload IOS"

Choose WAD install and press "A"

Once finished restart the Wii and open the Homebrew Channel.

Open the Wad Manager from the Homebrew Channel (Not by pressing HOME and Bootmii)

Choose IOS IOS249 when it asks what IOS to use (It will should already be selected)

Choose SD Card and install "NeoR7.wad" and then install "CFG USBLoader - FDCL.wad"

Exit out of Wad Manager.

You should now be done and have NeoGamma and the Configurable USB Loader channels on your Wii's main page.

NeoGamma is for playing burned backup game discs, the Configurable USB Loader, is for SD/SDHC/USB game loading (Supports and WBFS and FAT file

systems on all supported media)

PART 4: Wii system 4.2 only, (if you are on version 3.x you are done and don't need this step.)

Open Homebrew Channel


Choose to download IOS70

Once it completes restart your Wii.

Start HomeBrew Channel and start the "cIOS 222 Installer"

Read the warning message and push "A",

Select IOS249 to perform the install with D-pad left/right and push "A" again,

Select to "Install Custom IOS 222" and select "IOS38 merged with IOS37"

Wait for download and installation to complete.

Start HomeBrew Channel and start the "cIOS 222 Installer" again,

Select IOS249 to perform the install again,

This time select "Custom IOS 223" and select "IOS38 merged with IOS60"


One Last Thing!:

I use the Wii BackUp Manager v0.3.4r4 to handle all my USB/WBFS/cISO and .wbfs file transfers!

Convert your ISO/cISO's into .wbfs files so they can be "cut and paste" from your PC to your "WBFS-USB" drive freely in FAT fromat.

Download:Thanks to:
anyone else involved in the Wii Scene.

Let me know if there's anything I might have missed!

Boost your UTorrent Speed !!  

Posted by santosh

As you have proberly seen utube hold loads of UTorrent video's that show you how to speed up your UTorrent, well im going to show you here with pictures, this is officialy a PICTURE TUTORIAL


Now click apply and go get a torrent to test your new speed out on.


Build Bootable Windows Vista and Bootable Windows 7 USB installer  

Posted by santosh

Build Bootable Windows Vista and Bootable Windows 7 USB installer

Previously we have posted the trick to create bootable Windows vista USB drive. The install windows vista from bootable USB drive creation required a lot of manual configuration step, which windows novice user face difficulty to build the bootable Windows vista installation CD.
However, the creating bootable USB windows vista installation or bootable USB Windows 7 installation can be done easily now with the help of NoviCorp WinToFlash, a bootable Windows USB installer creator that simplifies all the process to create Windows XP USB installer, Windows Server 2003 USB installer, and Windows Server 2008 installation USB installers. So, WinToFlash lets you easily install your Windows from a flash card, USB stick, HDD, etc to your computer or netbook.

It sounds a bit rare to hear people install Windows from Flash Memory ya. Actually, The concept is simple by using flash memory drive to act as the Windows installation DVD disc only. All you need is your Windows installation disc and a flash drive large enough to accommodate it. (A 4GB drive should more than cover any version of the OS.). So below are the step's to create a bootable windows on flash memory drive.

How to setup Bootable Windows USB installer with WinToFlash:

2. Activate WinToFlash application, then it will starts up a wizard interface to select windows installation CD or DVD content source and USB drive location.

3. Once finish select Windows installer source and the USB drive location. Press “RUN” button to transfer Windows installer content to USB drive as bootable replacement for the optical drive.

Notes: if you want to install Windows from USB drive, just make your computer configuration is boots from USB media first.

Beside that, WinToFlash can be run as portable software and free download. It’s definitely an excellent tool to add to your USB-related utilities

Bypass ISP RapidShare Block/Ban/Throttling  

Posted by santosh

Getting back your full speed!

Over the recent months, many private networks and internet service providers have decided to throttle connections to They do this by placing a simple filter towards the hostname "".So when they detect the term "" in the URL, the connections will be limited.

It's really frustrating when we can get full speed downloads on other file-hosting sites and get a ridiculously slow speed on

This website provides a service for Premium Users to bypass the throttling / blocking filter set by their office network and/or internet service providers.

So lets get on to it

1. Go to
2. Copy & Paste the links into the textarea and click "Process Link(s)"
3. Wait for the server to process the links
4. Copy and paste the new links into your Download Manager
5. Start Downloading
6. Enjoy the speed
7. Tell all your friends about this!


Internet Download Manager (IDM) Settings
* For IDM Users, add the following login and server/path details:
IDM Sites Login Settings
Special Notes for MAC users
* Adding a batch of links for MAC is a hassle, but it can be done with iGetter
* Once you've generated the IP Address for the links, copy & paste the links to a TXT file
* Add your RS login details in the link(s) like this:

* Save the TXT file
* Run iGetter
* Go to File -> Import URLs list
* Choose the TXT file and you're done
** If you have a lot of links, use Word Processor's Find and Replace command to add your RS login details to each link.

How to Rip **Upscalling DVD to 720p**Step By step Guide  

Posted by santosh

Software that you need :

1. meGUI

The latest Stable Version is :
You can download from here :

2. AviSynth

You can download from here :

3. NeroDigitalAudio

You can download from here :

4. MKV Toolnix

You can download from here :

5. MKV extract

You can download from here :

6. DVD Decrypter

You can download from here :

7. Microsoft Net Frame

You can download from here :

8. Mediainfo

You can download from here :

Installation :

1. Install Microsoft Net frame. You must connect to the internet
2. Install AviSynth and meGUI and follow the instruction
3. Install MKV Toolnix
4. InstallMKV Extract and paste all to MKV Toolnix Directory
5. Extract NeroDigitalAudio. Copy all files from win32 folder to the MeGUI folder.
This will allows the 6 channel AC3 sound to be compressed to ND HE AAC 6 channel sound files.
6. Install DVD Decrypter and Mediainfo

Setting :

1. DVD Decrypter
Once installed, set the program mode to IFO mode (mode->IFO) and open up the settings (tools menu). Under the "IFO Mode" tab, set splitting to none and check the box to create OGG format chapters as well as Stream information.

2. meGUI
MeGUI requires no additional setup after you have fully updated it. By default, it will prompt you to update whenever there is one.
After your meGUI is updated, it will ask you to restart.

Ripping :

1. Start up DVD Decrypter and choose your DVD drive in the drop down box.
2. Select the PGC (ProGram Chain) that matches the length of your movie (may be auto-selected):

3. Choose your save location

4. Click the Rip button. Once this process completes you will be left with:
* One large vob file (the video and audio data),
* If you didn't set DVD Decrypter to create only one VOB file, you will end up with a number of 1gb sized VOBs. Just use the first one for the next step.
* An ifo file (part of the DVD file structure),
* The OGG format chapter file (open it up to see how the chapters are stored),
* A stream information file (with information on the audio and video streams in the vob).

Creating the d2v index

1. Open meGUI and go to tools like this :

2. Select the .vob file from DVD Decrypter as the Video Input
3. Choose "demux all audio tracks"
4. Choose the location to save the d2v file to
5. Click "queue"
6. Go back to the main screen and click on the queue tab. Click the start button to create the d2v.
7. Usually this will take about 1 minutes depending to the size of your file
8. After you finish, close meGUI.

Creating AVS Script Creator

1. Open meGUI again and go to tools and choose AVS Script Creator

2. After your video loads up you will be given a picture preview, just close it.
3. Now go to Filters, AVI Source/DS Source

4. Now open Mediainfo and check your VOB files. If you see the source is progressive, choose progressive at AVI Source/DS Source
At the resize filters, choose spline 36. Remember, lanczos( Sharp) can't handle 1280x720 resolution. Only spline 36 and 64 can.
5. Then go back to option and tick resize. But don't change anything. Save it.
6. Go to Where you save your AVS. Open it with notepad, you will see the resolution. Change it to 1280x720
Booyah !!!. Your AVS resolution is now 1280x720
7. Now go back to meGUI and reopen your AVS.
And then save it

Encoding the Audio

1. Go to your folder where you put your large VOB files from DVD Decrypter
2. See how many audio files is there.
3. If you see there is 2 or more audio files, use Mediainfo to know about the audio channel. Choose the one that has 6 channel.
4. Go to meGUI and load the audio files wuth 6 channels.
5. Then click autoencode
6. It will open a new menu. Choose MKV in the container box.
7. In the Size and bitrate, you can play around and try it for yourself how big you want your file is.
8. After that, Click Queue
9. It will take you back to the main menu of meGUI, click Queue again, and then click start.

Congrats. Now. You are in the first step of upscalling DVD to 720p.
The only things you must do now is wait till the encoding process is finish.

Now, I don't claim to be expert in this stuff. As you all know, i just recently know how to do it. .

RESULTS : Before ( DVD ISO ) Pic :

After Upscalling Pic :

Of course if you want to reach this level, first you must know and familiar yourself with the guide i post above.

Are you fed up with old Windows XP theme. Then check this out!  

Posted by santosh

I know that many of you are now using Windows 7. But still there are some people using Windows XP. So if you are fed up with Windows XP and just feel to change it try this out.

This is actually not a theme. It is color scheme. We know we have standard blue, olive and silver themes in windows XP.

As an alternative to the standard blue, olive and silver themes in windows XP, Microsoft has released an aesthetic black and blue themes respectively named Royale Noir and Royale. The skins are refreshingly different compared to the traditional Windows XP themes named Luna.

Below is a screenshot of the Royale Noir skin:

Below is a screenshot of the blue Royale skin:

Please follow this step carefully:

Just download the theme and extract the .zip into “C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\”, open the folder Royale Noir (“C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Royale Noir\”) and doubleclick the “luna.msstyles”. Select “Royale” or “Royale Noir” from color scheme.

This works 100% perfectly for me. Don't worry there is no any virus in this and it just take few seconds to do.

Here are some screen shots i took after done it.
